6 Ways Dentists Use Technology To Improve Patient Care

Dentistry has come a long way since the days of the toothbrush. Today, dentists can perform complex procedures with the help of technology. It plays a huge role in dentistry.

From recording patient information to communicating with other dental professionals, technology helps make the practice more efficient and effective. While technology can be a great tool for dental practices, it’s important to use it wisely. Here are some ways dentists are using technology to improve patient care:

1- Digital X-rays

Digital X-rays have been around for more than 10 years, but they’re still one of the most essential tools for dentists. These images show patients their teeth in great detail and help dentists diagnose dental problems early on. Digital X-rays also allow dentists to share images with other medical professionals, such as orthodontists and oral surgeons — which means patients get better treatment faster.

2- 3D Imaging

3D imaging is relatively new to dentistry, but it’s already making an impact on how patients receive treatment for oral health issues such as gum disease or orthodontic work. Many devices can create 3D models of your mouth from photos taken at various angles, so you can see what your teeth will look like after treatment is complete — without having to undergo any invasive procedures first!

3- Digital Record-Keeping

Using software like Open Dental or Dentrix, dentists can record all their patients’ information in one place. This makes it easy to access everything from x-rays to previous treatment plans. The software also allows dentists to share records with other providers, eliminating the need for patients to fill out new forms each time they visit a new doctor.

4- Virtual Reality (VR) Apps

Virtual reality is becoming more and more popular for treating phobias and anxiety disorders, but it can also help patients manage pain during procedures like fillings or crowns. Dentists can use these apps to show patients what it’s like to have cavities filled or a root canal.

Patients can also try out different types of braces before they decide which ones they want. VR apps are also beneficial for dentists because they allow them to educate patients about their procedures through visuals and videos. One study found that using VR apps reduced children’s pain by up to 50 percent during dental procedures.

5- Laser Cavity Detection

Lasers are used in many industries these days, including medicine and dentistry. A common use for lasers is detecting cavities in teeth before they become serious problems—and now they can do so without making any noise at all! Laser cavity detection is a technique that uses low-power lasers to detect cavities in teeth or other irregularities on tooth surfaces.

These sensors detect cavities by measuring the fluorescence and intensity of light waves bouncing off hard surfaces like tooth enamel, which changes as decay begins to form inside the tooth. The sensor then sends this data to your smartphone or computer where the information is analyzed by software that identifies areas of decay on your teeth. This method is more accurate than traditional methods and can even be used on children without putting them under general anesthesia (anesthesia).

6- Sedation Dentistry Techniques

Sedation dentistry techniques allow for more comfortable procedures for both adults and children by reducing anxiety and pain during procedures like root canals, crowns, bridges, and fillings. These techniques include nitrous oxide gas (laughing gas), oral sedation medications, and intravenous sedation medications such as propofol.

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